

The Highlights of Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016

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Date(s) - 16/05/2016 - 18/05/2016
12:00 am


Global Dairy Congress Asia ♦ Updated Dairy Policies and National Development Plans to Help Grasp Opportunities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, China and India
♦ Learn Dairy Farm Projects and Global Good Practices to Improve Milk Productions and Incomes for Asian Smallholders and Processors
♦ Pursuing Dairy Company R&D and Innovation Trends with Emerging Dairy Processing, Ingredients, Packaging Technologies and Advanced Safety Control Systems
♦ Insights of Consumer Demands Changes and New Channels to Accelerate Growth in Asia Markets
♦ Asia-Global Dairy Leadership Dialogue, Project Showcase and Case Study to Inspire Dairy Sector Restructuring, Integration and Cooperation

Visit The Highlights of Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016 website.