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Seeds&Chips Launches “Waterfirst!”

Seeds&Chips Launches "Waterfirst!"Seeds&Chips, The Global Food Innovation Summit, launches “WaterFirst!” – A Call for Ideas on the theme of water, the next edition main protagonist. The competition is directed at startups, corporations, universities, research centers and innovators from across the globe, who are invited to submit projects, innovations and viable, sustainable solutions for the biggest challenge the world is facing: achieving water security.

Out of all its applicants, Seeds&Chips will select 30 project who will be offered the opportunity to exhibit at the next Summit (Milano, May 7-10 2018). From these, the 5 best projects will win travel to Milan and accommodations during the Summit. The first prize winner selected from the 5 finalists and announced in Milano will win a grant of €10,000. The objective of the “Waterfirst!”

Call is to find the best solutions to the challenge our world is facing: the future of water; the most precious and fundamental resource, vital for every lifecycle, yet always more scarce and polluted due to intensive exploitation on a global level. In particular, “Waterfirst!” welcomes projects with solutions that focus on the following specific areas: climate change, food and agriculture, principle nutrients, packaging, waste. Projects must also focus on at least one of the following categories: urban areas, suburban/rural areas, developing countries.

The selected 30 projects including the top 5 winners will be announced by January 22nd 2018. The first prize winner will be announced over the course of the SaC2018 Awards in Milan. The “Waterfirst!” judging panel will consist of important scientific advisors for the Summit such as The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and The National Council for Research (CNR) as well as partners and experts in Food Innovation. Their evaluation will take into account criteria such as originality, impact on current innovations, economic and social impact, sustainability and opportunity for growth.

All participants of “Waterfirst!”, including those who aren’t selected as the 30 finalists, are invited to take part in Seeds&Chips 2018 to exhibit and showcase their projects; a fantastic opportunity to extend their network and meet entrepreneurs, companies, potential investors and partners as well as the world’s media, and to discover first hand, the latest trends and solutions in Food Innovation, while sharing ideas among a synergy of exceptional talent.

Candidates for Waterfirst! can apply by filling out the application form on www.seedsandchips.com .The call ends on December 30th 2017. For more information, email [email protected]

Source: Seeds&Chips

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