Brum Brum vitamin drink with juices is superb. The flavor is sweet and fruity and has a very clean mouth feel to it. Taste is sweet but not too sugary. You can definitely feel the juice content, that is just 5% but it gives a great feeling of full body to this soft drink. Raspberry and apple juices gives unique and at the same time very simple flavor and natural fruity color. Carbonation is average which goes perfectly along with a concept of this beverage. Drink is full of vitamins and has no artificial sweeteners, colorants or preservatives what is a huge trend at the moment.
Talking about product design, white color is dominant and it gives fresh, clear and functional appearance to the product. Modern and saucy look is intelligible for everyone: kids and adults. Comes in a 330 ml sleek can and contains 50% of vitamin RDAs.
Marketing idea is as well an exclusive one. The brand is cooperating with active sport. Brum brum exist only for one year, but it already has a race team. As it is not an energy drink it is available for kids, so it gives free hands for promotion among the youngsters.
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